Another New Year’s Resolution – The Builder’s High (Link)
Why am I spending so much time consuming other people’s moments?
Please, please stop posting pictures of your damn ugly dog.
You’re fucking swimming in everyone else’s moments, likes, and tweets and during these moments of consumption you are coming to believe that their brief interestingness to others makes it somehow relevant to you and worth your time.
I don’t really want to know what you just ate for lunch.
I don’t care what kind of beer you just drank.
I don’t want to hear your latest partisan political rant.
I don’t want to know the latest Celine Dijon (sic) music track you just listened to.
I don’t want to join you in your “narcotically addictive” use of Farmville.
Please, please stop.
Is there a Facebook update that compares to building a thing?
No. (A prime example of Betteridge’s law of headlines!)
Turn off those notifications, turn your phone over, turn on your favorite music, stare at your blank slate and consider what you might build.
Then share that.